Aligning FATCA with the AML compliance regime

Tweet It has been noted by US officials that the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA“), 26 USC Ch. 4, is not only one of the most significant pieces of US legislation for financial institutions, asset managers and foreign residents, it is also one of the most legally complex and technical that “will spawn significant enforcement activity […]

Wealthy immigration programs like EB-5 from China to US just got a lot less attractive with FATCA

Tweet According to this article in the Wall Street Journal, the IRS and the government of China are negotiating an agreement whereby the US would provide financial information to the government of China on Chinese foreign nationals living in the US. The information provided to China will likely include asset, financial, corporate and personal information […]

As nations use money laundering laws to tackle tax fraud, cross-border cooperation is key

Tweet Our interview on a podcast with the Association of Certified Crime Specialists regarding the criminal investigation into Brazilian soccer coach Luiz Scolari by Portuguese authorities for money laundering arising from tax fraud. “The head coach of Brazil’s national soccer team has one more thing to worry about before the World Cup held in his […]

Financial services firms and institutions expect 40% increase in regulatory compliance for FATCA and anti-money laundering

Tweet According to a 2013 Financial Crime survey, 2014 is expected to be an expensive one for regulatory compliance , with more than 20% more being spent for each of anti-money laundering compliance and compliance with the U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (“FATCA“), for a total of a 40% increase. Cybersecurity The financial crime […]

Swiss and US enter into anti-tax evasion agreement with wide-reaching prosecution implications for Americans, foreigners, advisors and entities with which they are affiliated

Tweet Anti-Tax Evasion Agreement The U.S. Department of Justice and the Swiss Federal Department of Finance have entered into an agreement that essentially ends Swiss bank secrecy and the renown of Switzerland as a tax haven. The Agreement: Applies not just to American taxpayers but also to foreigners and foreign entities who maintain Swiss bank accounts […]