Australia proposing sweeping new counter terrorism laws that would make it an offence to travel to terrorist-impregnated regions

Tweet The government of Australia is set to announce sweeping new counter-terrorism laws early next week according to several news reports. The new anti-terrorism laws will, inter alia: Authorize police to secretly search the home of suspected terrorists. Allow the incarceration for up to five years of persons convicted of preaching radical extremists acts (presumably related […]

Australia faces ISIS terrorist threat; closes MSB over suspect terrorist financing

Tweet AUSTRAC unregisters MSB Australia’s financial intelligence unit, AUSTRAC, has suspended the registration and activities of a money services business (MSB) in Australia over questions arising from potential terrorist financing. It is the first time AUSTRAC has suspended a reporting entity. The MSB, operating under the trade name Bisotel Rieh Pty Ltd., failed to report […]

ISIS puts terrorist financing back on global political agenda

Tweet The key issue at the International Conference on Peace and Security in Iraq today was terrorist financing – how the ISIS got to be financed thus far and how to disrupt its financing. The Conference, convened by the President of France and of Iraq, was convened to discuss ways to deal with the growing threat […]

Bankrupting the banks? Historic trial may find financial institutions liable for the terrorist acts of customers

Tweet Banks and financial institutions around the world are closely watching the Linde v. Arab Bank case unfold in New York City. It’s the first civil trial against a bank for alleged violations of the AntiTerrorism Act of 1990 (“ATA“), 18 USC 2331. The litigation seeks to hold the Arab Bank, a third party, liable for injuries resulting from acts […]

News report says that $125 million paid to listed terrorist groups for ransom payments

Tweet According to this article in the New York Times, governments of the European Union have paid at least $125 million to terrorist organizations, mostly Al Qaeda, since 2008 and $66 million of that was paid last year. The US Treasury Department estimates the figure is closer to $165 million and believes that ransom payments […]

UN Security Council calls on ban of oil trades from listed terrorist groups

Tweet Listed terrorist group takes over energy infrastructure The Security Council of the United Nations today called on its members not to engage in financial or commercial transactions with listed terrorist groups, in particular involving the sale of oil from Syria or Iraq that would involve the financing of terrorism. Anti-terrorism and sanctions laws In […]

Canada announces regulation of bitcoin, digital currencies and Internet gambling sites under anti-money laundering laws

Tweet Federal government to regulate bitcoin and other digital currencies As was widely anticipated, the federal government announced today that it will amend federal legislation to require the regulation of digital currencies like bitcoin in order to eliminate the potential risks of digital currencies being used for terrorist financing and money laundering. Interestingly, the proposed […]

US federal court rules NSA surveillance program legal and necessary for counter terrorism

Tweet NSA program legal and necessary for counter-terrorism A U.S. federal court ruled today ruled that the National Security Agency (“NSA“) collection of personal telecommunications records is not only legal but is a valuable tool necessary to counter the threat of terrorism. According to various media reports, the NSA collects, views, categorizes and retains our […]

UK independent reviewer releases 2012 terrorism report

Tweet The independent reviewer of the U.K.’s terrorism legislation has released his latest report (the “Report“) highlighting terrorism developments over the last 12 months in the U.K. Some interesting parts of the Report are as follows: Terrorist acts targeted against Jewish people According to the Report, there were several terrorist incidents in the U.K. principally […]