SEC suspends trading temporarily of pubco, with ties to Canada, selling a virus killing mask for covid-19

Tweet The US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC“) temporarily halted the trading of shares of an issuer called Bioelife Corp. over concerns about the accuracy of its claims, and claims of stock promoters, that it has developed coronavirus protective products, and over potentially manipulative trading activity. Bioelife is a shell, according to its website. It […]

SEC files injunction against digital currency executives who allegedly obtained investments on the basis of false representations

Tweet The US Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC“) filed a complaint in Texas on March 16, 2020, against Robert Dunlap, Nicole Bowdler, the girlfriend of Dunlap, and a former Washington State Senator, David Schmidt, in connection with a digital currency they launched called Meta 1 coin (the “MetaCoin“) which raised US$4 million from the […]

SEC locates pump & dump alleged mastermind in Ibiza who used a Vancouver lawyer for the alleged scheme

Tweet Biozoom boy found in Ibiza The alleged mastermind behind the alleged pump and dump securities fraud case involving Biozoom, Francisco Abellan Villena, has been located in Ibiza, the playground for billionaires. Villena is currently incarcerated in Ibiza, perhaps on an extradition warrant from the US. He was located by an investigator in Spain hired […]

Canada’s securities commissions issue guidance to regulate Bitcoin exchanges and other digital currency or crypto assets

Tweet The CSA guidance The Canadian securities commissions, through the Canadian Securities Administrators (the “CSA“), issued guidance on digital currencies and digital currency exchanges in Canada, the impact of which fundamentally changes the legal landscape for digital currency exchanges and puts the vast majority of them under the supervision of provincial securities commissions. The securities […]

“Take the money and run, and blame someone else” – a digital currency exchange founder’s exit strategy

Tweet The brother A criminal complaint filed in the Southern District of New York and deposed by a special agent of the FBI against Konstantin Ignatov, an executive who helped operate a digital currency company called OneCoin and a digital currency exchange, sheds some light on the murky world of OneCoin. The money From 2014 […]

US lawyer who resold shell companies for an issuer, settles with SEC

Tweet SEC Settlement A New Jersey lawyer, Gregg Jaclin, entered into a settlement agreement (available from the SEC online here) with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC“) earlier this fall in respect of several allegations, including over the practice of the creation and resale of shell companies. The settlement states that two defendants ran […]

Blockchain companies in Vancouver, Canada caught up in securities fraud investigation

Tweet Bridgemark and Blockchain Two Canadian Blockchain companies based in Vancouver, BLOK Technologies Inc. (“Blok“) and Cryptobloc Technologies Corp. (“Cryptobloc“) have been caught up as part of the so-called Bridgemark scandal affecting Vancouver’s capital markets. The Bridgemark situation started in November 2018, when the Executive Director of the BC Securities Commission announced that he had […]