Vancouver doctor, Avtar Singh Dhillon, of Emerald Health, charged for 3rd time; facing 30 years in jail

Tweet New charges levied against Dhillon and against his lawyer Three times a charm or a curse? A Vancouver doctor who allegedly partnered with the now-infamous Vancouver lawyer Frederick Sharp in an international microcap alleged fraud scheme (summarized here) – Avtar Singh Dhillon – was charged criminally by the US Government, the FBI announced yesterday. […]

Vancouver doctor Avtar Singh Dhillon of Emerald Health, charged for the 2nd time by the SEC

Tweet New SEC charges A Vancouver doctor who allegedly partnered with Vancouver lawyer Frederick Sharp in an International microcap fraud scheme (summarized here) – Avtar Singh Dhillon – was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC“) again today. This time it involves a different public company and hits closer to home for Vancouver residents […]

Vancouver Hells Angels part of a group that controlled eight public companies

Tweet The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC“) filed more cases in New York over Easter, targeting actors in the Canadian capital markets. The cases are for alleged pump and dump schemes. One of the two latest cases by the SEC charges Courtney Vasseur, a full-patch member of the Hells Angels in Vancouver, with securities fraud […]

Vancouver fraudster charged in alleged US$58 million boiler room stock scam; related to Frederick Sharp case

Tweet The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has filed another enforcement action related to the Frederick Sharp case, this one involving the operation of a boiler room in Colombia used to solicit investments from investors for little issuers. The SEC alleges that the defendants ran a call centre boiler room in the cocaine capital of […]

Ming Pao Newspaper covers diamond smuggling trade from Hong Kong to Vancouver

Tweet Diamond smuggling into Vancouver The Ming Pao Saturday Magazine has an interesting story on the arrest of two men from Hong Kong who attempted to smuggle $120 million worth of diamonds into Canada. The diamonds were strapped to their legs and are believed to be proceeds of crime. The story discusses the issue of […]

Hong Kong Court orders immigrants to Vancouver to repay $213 million in proceeds of crime laundered in Canada and the US

Tweet $485 Million Laundered to Vancouver and Elsewhere In a fascinating series of judgments from Hong Kong, six wealthy immigrants to Vancouver from China, who laundered over US$485 million through casinos in Macau and Las Vegas, and banks in Canada and Hong Kong, were ordered to repay stolen funds to the Bank of China. The […]